ANOTHER POEM for mothers out there especially my daughter Linda Hower Bates and my MOD (my other daughter) Heather Hower.
Of Daughters and Tulips
My daughter is a mother of two
Raising her is like planting
A tulip in the garden.
You start with a good seed.
Then find an ideal and the best environment
Where it can flourish
First under some controlled space,
Ultimately leaving it room
To spread with luxurious abandon.
Prepare a bed,
Gently blanket it with rich organic matter,
Sprinkle magic dust of bone meal,
Give it plenty of nourishment and water.
Keep it from harm.
Fence it if you must.
Protect them from marauding midnight deer.
But always,
With care, patience, attention, and love
Nurture, nurture, nurture.
Provide it with everything within your power
The things it needs to be self-sufficient.
But once it matures
Be discerning.
Know that it will do its own thing
It will know when to unfold
Its gorgeous petals
To spread joy.
And all you have to do at that point,
Is to watch it grow.
To enjoy it
Bloom, bloom, bloom.
For Linda Hower Bates
Happy Mothers Day.
Thanks for the two lovely blooms!
~from Mom, 5.13.2018